Saturday, December 22, 2007

The widnow of Unity in Diversity ....

An isolated room with a bolted door,
with a window to the world that touches the floor !!
Seeing the birds high in flight,
and feeling the wind which blows with might !!

Where eventuality is lost in a dream,
and you can helplessly shout and scream !!
Where you can toss and turn,
till the wounds begin to burn !!

But you know where you are led,
is the place where destiny bled !!
Ever thought why the kingdom's too high,
ever found a reason to die?

Ever felt the fleeting momentary chill,
as a child sitting on the window sill? !!
Never can the reality be false,
do you think while doing the final waltz? !!

The healing touch of a human hand,
where dreams had transformed into quicksand !!
A society divided by creed color and caste
with makings of an apocalypse coming fast !!

The satellites far far above,
beckon the birds to spread peace and love !!
They are lifeless but they spread light,
showing a vision to people if things are wrong or right !!

Sitting on the rooftop staring at the stars,
is a pleasure that only a dreamer can feel and not the cars !!
The lifeless but moving wind can make you feel,
it can make you stand and all the wounds it will heal !!

People moving in patterns of confusion and hatred,
makes the lost pattern of rhymes more sacred !!
It gives you the hope and the bliss to carry on,
the reason to look to a life that's not lost but won !!

It helps you never to doubt,
that a small group with hope as a bout,
can make a new and better universe,
where peace prevails even if everything else is diverse !!

Fear forgotten and division lost,
is the price you pay for the final cost !!
If everyone did care and everyone did love,
the world would be filled with no hatred but white doves !!

Diverse is genesis and the life it gives,
a stagnant light music is the life it lives !!!
It will be achieved when you see the dark side of the moon,
so just close your eyes and listen to the hopeful tune !!

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