Saturday, December 15, 2007

Drakness in the white ....

Flurries of white hit the landscape,
the trees are bare and the leaves have no escape !!
I walk through those silent streets,
leaving my footmarks on the ancient retreats !!

The distant cold horizon beckons me to come its way,
i sit still keep looking at the distant lights on the highway !!
Time passes by and so does a million evolving thoughts,
they cajole me into moving into a stagnant dream of sorts !!

The soft and subtle veil which covers the land,
tries to call out aloud and pulls me by my hand !!
It lives on my mind like a parasite,
and sucks away reason and light !!

The cup of coffee has frozen, so has the joints,
could i ever freeze up those wonderful points?? !!
I play truant with the reality at large,
it asks me to think and force out the barge !!

The wooden windows move and creak,
they remind me of a time that is not too bleak !!
The broken silence of the inanimate life makes me smell,
the scent of a life that was once mine but is for an others to dwell !!

The frozen glowing frontsteps beckoned me to come in,
but i walked on amongst the shadows of the trees and the desperate lightening !!
I opened my arms wide and let the cold fill my soul,
the air was too little to cover an entire whole !!

The grass glittered in the sparkling lights,
although covered in white they still wanted to fly like kites !!
No one other than nature to stop them flying,
i decided to stop my fruitless life and crying !!

The broken branches on the tomb,
does not stop a mother to take care of her womb !!
Though both are covered and protected,
they are the past and the future both un projected !!

The innnocent snowmen fill the roadsides,
they still belive in troy and the heavenly rides !!!
They did not know the realities of relations,
they thought that life was fun and filled with celebrations !!

I wanted to walk out of the cold alleyway,
i wished i was a child with snow to play !!
I wanted to be innocent and have the joy,
of being a human and not a warrior of troy !!

The snow white dwarfed angles ran up beside me,
they said its always a question to be or not to be !!
But till the end be merry and live a complete life,
though u are partially paralyzed with the truth of the unpleasant knife !!

I walked on till the dwan broke through,
i listened, sang and stepped on till life was true !!
Walking amognst the fibs of being lonely and pure,
i knew that someone someday would pay for me being sure !!

The white pellets from heaven stalked me in my innocence,
they caused me to think and turn and know that it was all a pretence !!
I walked down the lonely ground into the haze,
where life was a standstill in between a crystal maze !!

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